Why does TLC matter? A life, void of balance and full of self-medication, creates an unconnected mental state full of meaninglessness and lack of purpose.
Brian McCallister helps bring together concepts and ideas about work-life balance to demonstrate a healthy, meaningful life as an attorney. Listen as Brian describes the benefits and tactics of a well executed and balanced work life designed to avoid burnout, irritability, and guilt.
Ginger Ortiz, during a season of growth in public defending, explains the need for attorneys, especially women, to be more authentically themselves and find peace by seeking community among like-minded peers. As faculty for the upcoming Women’s Retreat for Powerful Storytelling, Ginger encourages every listener to sign up and experience a powerful course that teaches techniques to help with challenges unique for women in law and how to rest in a busy season.
David Glenn, TLC graduate of 2006, explains the unfair, predatory practices insurance companies apply. Hear how David Glenn uses his 41 years of experience and TLC methods to seek justice from insurance companies employing "swoop and settle" tactics.
Kimberly Benjamin discusses the importance of experience and training staff in TLC methods within a mid-sized law firm without losing focus on clients. Listen as she describes the advice she received as a business owner and her success in training her employees.
Missouri public defender, Justine Finney, explains her unique situation during her transfer out of death penalty case division. Listen as she details the connections between her clients when death or life without parole is a possible outcome in their case.
Missouri public defender, Justine Finney, explains her unique situation during her transfer out of the death penalty case division. Listen as she details the connections between her clients when death or life without parole is a possible outcome of their case.
Bill Trine, one of the original Trial Lawyers College founders, details his previous casework with detainees and immigrants during their detention in various U.S. prisons and penitentiaries. Hear Bill Trine as he details the long history of privatizing prisons for profit and the ongoing fight against civil rights violations in State and Federal prisons.
We all wrestle with demons. The power within is the power to overcome them. Todd Kelly describes his recent book titled “The Power Within”, the story of a pivotal moment in his life in which he struggled with a suicide attempt and the role-reversal exercise that saved his life.
One-time TLC course attendee Maureen Farrell shares her personal experiences and growing understanding of psychodrama ignited by a one week TLC course last year in Colorado. Listen as she expands on TLC skills and techniques she’s learned from just one event with the incredible TLC staff.
Listen here to TLC's podcast, with host Rafe Foreman, visiting with Trial Skills Foundation Faculty Member Max Mitchell about the importance of the Public Defender, a position Max recently left to open a solo criminal defense practice in Sedalia, MO.
Patrick McLain joins us to elaborate on his experiences with all the Trial Lawyers College courses and encourage others to participate in upcoming events with TLC staff. Patrick goes over each course coming up in 2023 and helps detail the planning, effort, and benefit of each unique course.
Come and listen to Kim Savo's excellent podcast on neuro-diversity and how we as lawyers need to educate ourselves for representation of clients who fall in this category.
Colby Vokey tells the gripping story around his current military case and his use of TLC methods to discover and relay his case.
Using the TLC methods of role reversal, doubling, and psychodrama to enrich and deepen the connection for parents who have suffered the loss of their children at the hands of the government, please come and listen while Amanda Harber teaches us.
Simina is uniquely qualified to utilize psychodrama as a certified psychodramatist and in this episode, she not only employs the TLC methods, but gives us a substantive look into the world of the Vaccine court.
Harry Daniels III splits his time between civil and criminal trials. Listen as he tells you his insights on how to get to know your client better as well as finding your own powerful voice as an advocate.
Joy Bertrand explains her personal journey to withholding judgment of a client who has made poor decisions. The result was a connection that moved her to tears. Stay tuned and give a listen.
Felony chief public defender Jason Sosa recounts the value of TLC methods in training young aspiring trial lawyers in the correct way to practice law including jail cell reenactments and role reversals with members of his community.
Listen as Brianne, a professional storyteller, author, and book publisher discusses the power of connection and story.
Jerry Perry, past F Warrior President, invites you to learn about yourself, your authenticity, and your uniqueness. Listen while he explains the power contained therein.
Come and listen to Joe Fried, TLC grad of 2002 who has worked on cases in 40 states in the Us, as he talks about fear, a.k.a. "Fred in my head", and imparts his wisdom and insightful methods of turning the voices and fear down a level or two.
Eric Davis, our newest TLC Board Member, shares his wisdom, his leadership, and a few personal stories which add up to the greatest piece of advice I have yet to hear on this podcast. Don't give up, get better!
State Representative and Trial Lawyer Ann Johnson discusses her new role as a member of the board of directors for the Trial Lawyers College and how she uses TLC methods in the courtroom, the legislature, and as a politician with equal force and effect.